Five, Four, Three, Two ... One ... BLASTOFF!!! That seems to be all I hear around my house these days. With two boys now, I am used to all the blue, cars, trucks, space ships, airplanes, sports and the lovely things that boys are into. For Halloween, when I asked Chase what he wants to be it first was a T-Rex. Ok, I can handle that. I imagined a thermal outfit in yellow or orange, felt cutout scallops glued on and a hat with a giant tongue hanging out. And then it changed. "Now I want to be a Space Ship." Anyone else had those last minute changes??? It is like you need to make 3 Halloween outfits "just in case one gets ruined" or "just in case one changes his or her mind!" Which always happens.
A Space Ship it is my little man! With soda bottle rockets and tissue paper fire shooting out! And lets not forget our BLASTOFF triangular hat... 3, 2, 1 ... Blastoff!
Top your Space Ship Halloween outfit off with some protective rain boots. Done, check...another year complete with one happy child! And a mama who is so happy to see the glow and excitement in her child's eyes. Now for some Halloween fun... and a simple tutorial to make a Space Ship Halloween Outfit. This goes great for boys or girls and it doesn't have to be silver and gold. You can make this to your child's favorite color - blue, purple, pink or orange! Just get a long sleeve shirt and matching pants the color you want along with a poster board (hat) and use a paint color for your rockets that all match!
What you need:
Two Clear Soda Bottles, empty and dry
Metallic Acrylic Paint
Tissue Paper (for flames) 3 Sheets of Each: Red, Orange, Yellow
Grey Thermal Top and Pants
8.5 x 11 Felt paper, any color of choice: Cut out for buttons
Sharpe Pen
Metallic colored poster board
1. Pour paint into bottles. Flip upside down into a box lined with a trash bag. Keep rotating and flipping upside down and right side up until paint inside is drained. May need to rotate horizontally for paint to fully keep covering the interior. Takes a few days to keep rotating and dry.
2. Lay flat colored tissue paper, all three colors. Fold over. Cut bottoms into 1 inch slits leaving about 2 inches at the top (see picture).
3. Make felt circles: Using a ½ measuring cup, trace the circle on your felt sheet. Cut out 3 circle. Sew or use fabric glue to fasten to Thermal top.
4. Using a hot glue gun, glue rocket bottles together. Glue or fold and stuff Tissue paper flames to the opening of the bottles. With String, fasten bottles to be like a back pack around the arms or glue directly to your child's shirt.
5. To Make Hat- Using a metallic colored poster board, cut into a triangle. Roll and staple together. With a Sharpe, write 3, 2, 1 BLASTOFF!!!
And please have a safe and Happy Halloween! Halloween should be a time for fun, and we want parents to enjoy eating
candy with their kids instead of worrying about their safety. reached out to me to share this great list they created of safety tips before families head out on Halloween (
Trick or Treat... safely my friends!
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