What are the 7 chakras? Our bodies are made up of 7 chakras that when the energy is aligned provides balance, cleansing, healing and can promote weight loss. Learn each chakra of the body and how each energy channel works together. Plus we share what chakra foods to eat for balance, optimal health, and wellbeing both emotionally and physically.

Learn how to balance your chakras through meditation and nourish yourself with chakra-friendly foods. Discover the 7 chakras and which foods can help bring balance to your life (moon water helps too!). Take the first step towards spiritual growth and health today.
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What are Chakras?
Chakras are the energy that flows through our bodies. When the 7 chakras are aligned and balanced, we find healing, mental clarity, more energy, better body flow, and sometimes weight loss. Chakra means "wheel" or "disk" and each chakra moves with a spinning motion that forms the pattern, forming a vortex which filter the energy of the environment through the body.
There are 7 chakras in the human body - one starts at the top of the head, and the other six are along a vertical midline of the body, with energy entering from both the back and front side.
7 Chakras: Explained
The seven chakras are constantly moving, although the areas can sometimes be lessened if out of balance. In Eastern cultures, it is believed that the movement of energy in the human body influences our state of mind and actions. There are many exercises, meditations, and healing techniques to correct energy imbalances in the body. A shiatsu practitioner uses their hands to lean into the energy pathways, or meridians, in order to restore balance. This is done through sustained pressure along the body's meridians, and different meridians are targeted for different issues.
When I was two weeks late with my firstborn, I sought out a shiatsu practitioner who helped restore my balance by balancing my 7 chakras in order to jumpstart the birth by pressing on pressure points, specifically around the ankles. Another commonly known point is pressing on areas around the wrist to ease nausea and dizziness.
Balancing the 7 chakras through exercises, meditations, and healing techniques help us to remove any blocks or imbalances of the natural movement of energy. Below are the 7 chakras explained with ways to help balance them through exercise, movement, and foods to improve energy flow.
1st Chakra: Base or Root Chakra
Name: Base chakra or Root Chakra
The corresponding color: red
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Represented by: a lotus of four petals
Location: the first chakra is located at the base of the spine near the sacral-coccyx joint at the bottom of the spine
Flow of energy: moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the physical auric body
Regulates: lower back/coccyx, adrenal glands, blood, skeleton, feet, knees, hips, teeth, nails, rectum and spine
Associated with: physical stability, security, self-sufficiency and responsibility for self
Personal growth areas: connection to the earth, survival instincts
How to strengthen the base chakra with exercises to do: Take long walks in nature to reconnect. Don't forget to bring water!
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate base chakra: beets, strawberries, radishes, tomatoes, chilies, potatoes, onion, garlic, spinach, and carrots
This chakra is responsible for groundedness and wellbeing. Emotionally it is linked to material wealth, financial stability, and food. If the energy of the base chakra is out of balance or blocked, our connection to nature and the world around us may feel off with a scarcity mindset. We may feel 'spacey' or ungrounded'. When the first chakra is balanced we feel secure.
2nd Chakra: Sacral Chakra
Name: Sacral chakra
The corresponding color: orange
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Represented by: a lotus of six petals
Location: 6 cm below the naval
Flow of energy: moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the etheric auric body
Regulates: ovaries or testes, kidneys, bladder, prostate, pelvis, body fluids, adrenal glands, large intestines and lower back (sacrum)
Associated with: sexuality, sensuality, mentoring, and honoring and nourishing ourselves
Personal growth areas: change and creativity
How to strengthen the sacral chakra with exercises to do: Try rubbing the palms of your hands together quickly to create heat and energy. Right away apply the open palms over the lower abdomen and feel the energy movement in both the hands and the body (it will feel like tingling). We are creating energy to help get the stuck energy flowing again. I did this exercise when I was holistically healing myself from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to help heal my reproductive organs. Another way of healing is through dancing to strong, rhythmic music which is a wonderful way to get the energy flowing in the sacral chakra.
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate sacral chakra: orange, papaya, mango, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and honey. And comfort foods such as bread, pasta, and chocolate.
The Sacral chakra is connected to change, whether expressed artistically, academically, physically, or in producing a child. This chakra is an energy about pleasures of life, with desires to nurture ourselves and our creativity. If this chakra is out of balance we may feel depleted of any pleasures or try to deny our desires. Out of the 7 chakras, when this one is in balance our creative juices are flowing freely.
3rd Chakra: Naval or Solar Plexus Chakra
Name: Solar Plexus chakra
The corresponding color: yellow
Sanskrit name: Manipura
Represented by: a lotus of 10 petals
Location: solar plexus
Flow of energy: moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the vital auric body
Regulates: pancreas, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, small intestines, abdomen, sternum and back
Associated with: inner peace, personal power, self-confidence, self-worth, self-acceptance, and trusting and accepting our gut feelings
Personal growth areas: self-esteem and relating to the world around us
How to strengthen the solar plexus chakra with exercises to do: The cat-camel exercise, most commonly used when stretching or in yoga is particularly good for the energy of the third chakra.
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate solar plexus chakra: bananas, apricots, pineapple, yogurt, corn, whole grains, and cheese
The Solar plexus chakra is concerned with personal power, our sense of our place in the world, and our self-esteem. When this chakra is out of balance we are sensitive to the reactions of others and our 'inner critic' takes over and we have little confidence. When this chakra is in balance we are able to take responsibility and be confident in our abilities and actions.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra
Name: Heart chakra
The corresponding color: green
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Represented by: a lotus of 12 petals
Location: middle of the chest
Flow of energy: moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the astral auric body or the Emotional Aura
Regulates: thymus, heart, lungs, circulation, hands, shoulders, breasts and upper back
Associated with: love, generosity, compassion and forgiveness
Personal growth areas: giving and receiving unconditional love
How to strengthen the heart chakra with exercises to do: Any exercise that expands the chest frees the energy in the heart and chest area such as cobra pose. Singing effortlessly from your body is a great way to expand the chest area. If you are conscious about bolting it out- sing in the shower!
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate heart chakra: broccoli, kale, chard, lettuce, sprouts, tofu, brown rice, and lentils
The Heart chakra is connected with unconditional love. It is how we treat and love others and ourselves and is the link between our intellect and our spiritual selves. A person who continually gives when they are in need themselves may become out of balance. Same is true for someone who denies empathy to others. When this chakra is in balance we have inner peace and wellbeing.
5th Chakra: Throat Chakra
Name: Throat Chakra
The corresponding color: blue
Sanskrit name: Visuddha
Represented by: a lotus of 16 petals
Location: throat area
Flow of energy: moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the lower mental auric body
Regulates: thyroid, throat, mouth, teeth, jaw, neck, ears, arms, bronchial tubes, upper lungs, shoulders and tongue
Associated with: communication, willpower, truthfulness, setting boundaries, expression
Personal growth areas: effective communication
How to strengthen the throat chakra with exercises to do: Massage the neck area and around it with a small amount of oil or body lotion to reduce stress in the fifth chakra.
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate throat chakra: blueberries, blackberries, kelp, dragon fruit, wheatgrass, ginseng, and mushroom
Ever have those moments where speaking your mind is hard to do? That comes from the fifth chakra, or the Throat chakra. It is in charge of all communication and when it is out of balance, we are likely to be over-talkative, and flabber on and on about nothings, making it hard for others to listen. When this chakra is in balance, messages are clear in both verbal and non-verbal communications.
6th Chakra: Brow or Third Eye Chakra
Name: Third Eye chakra
The corresponding color: indigo
Sanskrit name: Ajna
Represented by: a lotus of two petals
Location: between the eyebrows
Flow of energy: moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the higher mental auric body
Regulates: pituitary glands, eyes, nose, sinuses, head and face
Associated with: wisdom, detachment, discernment, inspiration, knowledge and trusting in a higher source
Personal growth areas: intuition and imagination
How to strengthen the third eye chakra with exercises to do: Walking, hatha yoga and tai chi helps to align and balance the Third Eye chakra.
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate third eye chakra: eggplant, grapes, plums, black currants, purple carrots, and purple lettuce
The Third Eye chakra connects at the eyebrow and is where conscious meets the unconscious and our imagination and 'intuition' takes over. This is the energy of clairvoyance, precognition and psychometry. Too much of this energy or being unbalanced can lead to a person being seen as narrow-minded and thinking 'one way' only. When the sixth chakra is in balance we are able to make decisions that are not based on fear or ego. We start to use the power of our minds and visualizations to create a positive impact on the world around us.
7th Chakra: Crown Chakra
Name: Crown chakra
The corresponding color: violet
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
Represented by: a lotus of 1,000 petals
Location: top of the head
Flow of energy: moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the spiritual auric body
Regulates: pineal gland, skull and brain
Associated with: grace, beauty, serenity, oneness with all, our divinity, selfless realisation, understanding and enlightenment
Personal growth areas: mental health, knowledge and spiritual enlightenment
How to strengthen the crown chakra with exercises to do: One of the best solution for the Crown chakra is doing a headstand. You can also achieve a similar effect by laying down with your feet higher than your head and heart (like propping them up with pillows).
Foods to eat for balance and to stimulate crown chakra: food does not particularly help the crown chakra, but drinking plenty of detox water, fasting, and juicing recipes are known to help.
The seventh chakra or the Crown chakra reminds me of someone who is a Nine on the Enneagram chart (that is my husband right there), where at their best can have an omniscience about them. This one symbolizes the ultimate highest power of our thought process. Out of the 7 chakras, the energy of this chakra when at its full potential brings the highest level of consciousness, and is a sign that the person has mastered the challenges of all the other chakras. The Crown or 'coronal' chakra is a more spiritual oriented existence.
Energy balance through food
Given that these 7 chakra points control our state of wellbeing, it is important to look at diet for healing once these pressure points are balanced. I meet many people suffering from Celiac disease, food sensitivities, and unexplained irritable bowel symptoms and food allergies that can not be specified.
Eating chakra foods that cater to each specific chakra may help stimulate the energy in those areas of the body. Notice that the corresponding colour of each chakra is associated with the colors of food. Food really does tell you how to heal your body, like how beets are red and help to support the blood. Or how walnuts take the shape of the brain and are known to help with memory!
Base or Root Chakra Foods: Red foods such as beets, strawberries, radishes, tomatoes, chilies, potatoes, onion, garlic, spinach, and carrots.
Sacral Chakra Foods: Orange foods such as orange, papaya, mango, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and honey. And comfort foods such as bread, pasta, and chocolate.
Solar Plexus Chakra Foods: Yellow foods such as bananas, apricots, pineapple, yogurt, corn, whole grains, and cheese
Heart Chakra Foods: Green foods such as broccoli, kale, chard, lettuce, sprouts, tofu, brown rice, and lentils
Throat Chakra Foods: Antioxidant-rich and blue foods such as blueberries, blackberries, kelp, dragon fruit, wheatgrass, ginseng, and mushroom.
Third Eye Chakra Foods: Indigo and purple foods such as eggplant, grapes, plums, black currants, purple carrots, and purple lettuce.
Crown Chakra Foods: drinking plenty of water, fasting, and/or doing a juice cleanse
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Please always consult with a doctor before exercise, especially if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure or any eye condition. If there are foods you can not have on the lists, please do not try to balance yourself. There are therapists that specialize in balancing the body through other methods such as massage, acupuncture, acupressure, reiki and shiatsu.
I hope you find this article on the 7 Chakras helpful! Follow along with me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter for more health and recipe inspiration! And don't forget to leave a comment and rating below!
Resources: The Power of Chakras; and the late Jody Fahrenkrug, Enneagram Specialist
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